Nunca ha habido una situación insatisfactoria con DTS, el personal de Martha y el enfoque práctico ha permitido a nuestra empresa hacer entregas rápidas y eficientes a nuestros clientes.

Joey Cannatta (es) Vicepresidente Tanks-A-Lot, Inc.

La atención a los detalles de DTS, la información oportuna y la rentabilidad, los convierte en nuestro proveedor de logística preferido. Sus directores son accesibles, haciendo el proceso de envío fácil, rápido y confiable.

Edward Terence Clarke (es) Vicepresidente de Desarrollo Empresarial Azimut Yachts Caribbean Ltd.

DTS delivers on record time to the customers. They’re always there and go beyond one’s duty, always committed to provide what we need and do everything without additional markups.

Reza Mohammed Managing Director and Owner IEM SSL

DTS attention to detail, timely information and cost effectiveness makes them our preferred Logistic Provider. Their directors are accesible, making the shipping process easy, fast and reliable.

Edward Terence Clarke VP Business Development Azimut Yachts Caribbean Ltd.

Never had an unsatisfactory situation with DTS, Martha’s personal, hands on approach has consistently enabled our company to make quick and efficient deliveries to our customers.

Joey Cannatta Vice President Tanks-A-Lot, Inc.

“The food is exceptionally good. The lunch buffet has a good mix of South and North European cuisine. Everything is rich in taste and really cooked well! Thank you!”

Mark Johnson client